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Rat Control. We Can Help

Rate of Spread: “Rapid”

Why can they be considered pests?

The female Norway Rat matures at 3 months of age, then starts to reproduce. Rats have weak bladder control and urinate as they walk, contaminating much more food than they eat.

Serious health concerns such as lymphatic choriomeningitis virus, Hantavirus and others are associated with rats. They carry fleas and mites which can attack humans resulting in the transmission of disease.

Always show extreme caution when cleaning or working near rodent droppings for fear of contracting the Hantavirus. Wear protective gear and a HEPA filter mask while sweeping up rodent droppings because the virus can become airborne as tiny particles that can enter the lungs making you sick.

How do we deal with them?

Depending on the environment (food preparation area or not) a combination of traps and baiting are used to destroy the colony. This entails a few return trips to site for removal of rodents and/or check on the amount of bait consumed.

As a customer what are my responsibilities?

Rats are known to hoard food but they also require plenty of water daily.  To keep rats at bay repair leaky taps, make garbage inaccessible to them by keeping lids on refuse bin and practice good sanitation.  Seal or repair any access points into the building.

Cost of Treatment:

$185.00 and up depending on situation – minimum 3 visits
Includes device traps, bait replacement.
Interior & exterior programs are available.
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